May 2015
Гостиница «Radisson Blu»
Автоматизация процессов добычи, интеллектуальный карьер, автоматизация технологического процесса на обогатительной фабрике, новинки дробильно-сортировочного и мельничного оборудования, новые технологии комплексного использования сырья. Conferences Archive

October 2015
Hotel "Radisson Royal"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
May 12, 2016
Гостиница «Radisson Blu»
Автоматизация процессов добычи, интеллектуальный карьер, автоматизация технологического процесса на обогатительной фабрике, новинки дробильно-сортировочного и мельничного оборудования, новые технологии комплексного использования сырья. 
May 24, 2016
Гостиница «Radisson Blu»
Автоматизация процессов добычи, интеллектуальный карьер, автоматизация технологического процесса на обогатительной фабрике, новинки дробильно-сортировочного и мельничного оборудования, новые технологии комплексного использования сырья. 
October 19, 2016
Гостиница «Radisson Blu»
Автоматизация процессов добычи, интеллектуальный карьер, автоматизация технологического процесса на обогатительной фабрике, новинки дробильно-сортировочного и мельничного оборудования, новые технологии комплексного использования сырья. 
November 23, 2016
Hotel "Radisson Royal"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
May 17, 2017
Hotel "Radisson Royal"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
May 30, 2019
Гостиница «Radisson Blu»
Автоматизация процессов добычи, интеллектуальный карьер, автоматизация технологического процесса на обогатительной фабрике, новинки дробильно-сортировочного и мельничного оборудования, новые технологии комплексного использования сырья. 
October 19, 2017
Гостиница «Radisson Blu»
Автоматизация процессов добычи, интеллектуальный карьер, автоматизация технологического процесса на обогатительной фабрике, новинки дробильно-сортировочного и мельничного оборудования, новые технологии комплексного использования сырья. 
December 7, 2017
Hotel "Radisson Royal"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
May 16, 2018
Hotel "Radisson Royal"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
May 30, 2018
Гостиница «Radisson Blu»
Автоматизация процессов добычи, интеллектуальный карьер, автоматизация технологического процесса на обогатительной фабрике, новинки дробильно-сортировочного и мельничного оборудования, новые технологии комплексного использования сырья. 
October 9, 2018
Hotel "Radisson Royal"
Industry Directory of BAT. BAT water supply and sanitation. 219 Federal Law. Tax incentives for energy-efficient equipment. Technological processes, equipment, solutions in accordance with the BAT for the mining and metallurgical enterprise. Normative and technical documentation (NTD). Certification The legislative framework in connection with the tightening of MPC. 
October 17-18, 2018
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Automation of production processes, intellectual quarry, automation of technological process at the processing plant, novelties of crushing and sorting and mill equipment, new technologies of integrated use of raw materials. 
February 27, 2019
Hotel "Radisson Royal"
Restructuring and phased modernization, resource-saving technologies, automation of basic metallurgy processes, solutions in the field of metallurgical raw materials and refractories, modern technologies of alternative metallurgy of cast iron and iron. 
February 28, 2019
Гостиница «Radisson Blu»
BAT for the recycling of waste and the use of secondary resources, the economics of environmentally friendly industries, the research and development of processes for the processing and disposal of technogenic formations, state incentives in the field of environmental protection. 
February 28, 2019
Radisson Blu Hotel
Transition to BAT, obtaining CERs, introduction of quotas in the Chelyabinsk region, development and implementation of environmental efficiency programs, existing state incentive programs. 
April 11, 2019
Intourist Hotel
Engineering systems and equipment for the production of protected soil products, problems of lighting systems of greenhouse complexes, automation of the greenhouse complex in the context of digital transformation of the industry, energy supply of the greenhouse complex and improvement of energy efficiency. 
May 29, 2019
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Digital transformation of metallurgy, smooth functioning and optimization of works, information systems and IT infrastructure in industry, information security. 
May 30, 2019
Radisson Blu Hotel
Technological measures for ensuring energy efficiency at the enterprise, energy management in the mining and metallurgical industry, high - efficiency energy - saving technologies and equipment, strategic directions for the development of energy - saving policy in production. 
OCTOBER 9, 2019
Hotel "malachite"
Problems in obtaining IEP, the search and elimination of leaks, reducing the cost of transporting water, wastewater treatment, automatic monitoring of effluents, treatment of industrial water. 
October 16-17, 2019
Hotel "Inturist"
Agroholding digital transformation strategy and data management. Iot development, automation and robotics in agricultural production. Digital transformation in livestock. The development of precision farming and crop production technology. 
October 22-23, 2019
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Automation of mining processes, an intelligent quarry, automation of the technological process at the processing plant, new crushing and screening and mill equipment, new technologies for the integrated use of raw materials. 
December 12, 2019
Efficiency of agricultural machinery and equipment for corn farming, technical support of the agronomic service, new technologies and digital transformation of the grain sector, grain storage and processing technologies. 
February 26, 2020
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Modernization of steelmaking and rolling production. Digitalization in metallurgy. Reduce downtime and increase repair productivity. Questions related to logistics. 
February 27, 2019
Radisson Blu Hotel
Transition to BAT, obtaining CERs, introduction of quotas in the Chelyabinsk region, development and implementation of environmental efficiency programs, existing state incentive programs. 
February 27, 2020
Radisson Blu Hotel
Categorization of objects. Discussion of innovations in the legislation. Processing of sludge, dumps and tailings. 
September 9, 2020
Chateau-hotel "Nemchinovka Park"
Moscow region, Odintsovo district, s. Nemchinovka
State support, subsidies, risk management, digitalization of the dairy complex, process IT solutions, herd management programs, experience and specifics of their implementation, farm robotics, development of cattle and DNA genetic technologies, advanced methods to increase animal productivity and health, “Smart feeding”, development integrated ration, modern animal care technologies, non-waste production in the light of modern environmental requirements. 
September 17, 2020
Chateau-hotel "Nemchinovka Park"
Moscow region, Odintsovo district, s. Nemchinovka
Digital revolution in the agro-industrial complex, the economic effect of the introduction of IT solutions, innovations in animal husbandry and crop production, automation and robotization, BigData, IoT, personnel. 
October 29, 30, 2020 (from 12.00 to 15.00, Moscow time)
Investments and economic efficiency in the field of greenhouses, engineering support of the greenhouse, energy supply and lighting of the greenhouse, digital greenhouse. 
April 14, 2021
Radisson Blu Hotel
Technological measures to ensure energy efficiency at the enterprise, energy management in the mining and metallurgical industry, highly efficient energy-saving technologies and equipment, strategic directions for the development of energy-saving policies in production. 
April 14, 2021
Radisson Blu Hotel
Digital transformation of the mining and metallurgical industry to increase competitiveness and sustainable development 
22 апреля 2021
Отель Ренессанс Москва Монарх Центр
Эффективность и рентабельность молочного животноводства, технологическое перевооружение и подготовка кадров, инвестиционные проекты молочной отрасли, рентабельность переработки молока,
готовность отрасли к маркировке молочной продукции, технологическое перевооружение и стратегическая комплексная модернизация, выстраивание отношений с ритейлом, онлайн-торговля, экспорт молочной продукции 
June 23-25, 2021
Nizhny Tagil
Improving operational efficiency. Reduction of operating costs, optimization of the processes of a mining and metallurgical enterprise. 
22-24 сентября 2021
Гостиница «Radisson Blu»
Вопросы экологии всё чаще встают во главе угла при функционировании действующего производства, открытии новых объектов. Необходимо быть в курсе нововведений в законодательстве, успехах промышленных предприятий и новинках от поставщиков решений и оборудования. 
November 30 - December 2, 2021
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Digital transformation of the mining and metallurgical, oil and gas and energy industries to improve competitiveness and sustainable development. 
March 15-17, 2022
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Technological measures to ensure energy efficiency at the enterprise, energy management in the mining and metallurgical industry, highly efficient energy-saving technologies and equipment, strategic directions for the development of energy-saving policies in production. 
June 27 - 29, 2022
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Improving operational efficiency. Reduction of operating costs, optimization of the processes of a mining and metallurgical enterprise. 
September 20 - 21, 2022
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Вопросы экологии всё чаще встают во главе угла при функционировании действующего производства, открытии новых объектов. Необходимо быть в курсе нововведений в законодательстве, успехах промышленных предприятий и новинках от поставщиков решений и оборудования. 
December 06 - 08, 2022
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Digital transformation of the mining and metallurgical, energy and oil industries to improve competitiveness and sustainable development. 
March 13 - 15, 2023
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Technological measures to ensure energy efficiency at the enterprise, energy management in the mining and metallurgical industry, highly efficient energy-saving technologies and equipment, strategic directions for the development of energy-saving policies in production. 
June 20 - 22, 2023
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Improving operational efficiency. Reduction of operating costs, optimization of the processes of a mining and metallurgical enterprise. 
October 3 - 4, 2023
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Вопросы экологии всё чаще встают во главе угла при функционировании действующего производства, открытии новых объектов. Необходимо быть в курсе нововведений в законодательстве, успехах промышленных предприятий и новинках от поставщиков решений и оборудования. 
November 15 -16, 2023
Technopark Skolkovo
How to reduce equipment failure statistics? How to increase the efficiency of equipment? How to plan maintenance and repair activities so that there are no peak loads on the repair personnel and budget? 
November 28-30, 2023
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Digital transformation of the mining and metallurgical, energy and oil industries to improve competitiveness and sustainable development. 
March 19 - 21, 2024
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Technological measures to ensure energy efficiency at the enterprise, energy management in the mining and metallurgical industry, highly efficient energy-saving technologies and equipment, strategic directions for the development of energy-saving policies in production. 
June 18 - 20, 2024
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Adaptation to restrictions. Improving operational efficiency. Increase productivity, reduce operating costs. Optimization of processes at a mining and metallurgical enterprise. 
September 24-25, 2024
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
How to learn how to extend the life cycle of imported equipment in the shortest possible time and how to quickly create domestic equipment that is not inferior to foreign ones. 
October 22-24, 2024
SHERATONPLAZA Ufa Congress Hotel
Technological development of the oil and gas industry. How digital transformation will improve the economic efficiency of mining and processing. 
November 26 - 28, 2024
Hotel "Radisson Blu"
Digital transformation of the mining and metallurgical, energy and oil industries to improve competitiveness and sustainable development.
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